I am…

"Build your dreams or someone will pay you to build theirs."

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re watching your life played out by someone else? You sit and watch others doing/building/making while you…sit and watch?

Or are you busy helping build someone else’s dream (aka, you have a J.O.B.) while yours lay dormant?

You feel you just can’t seem to make the leap cuz you’re hemmed in by the usual excuses of your comfortable, shitty job, your kids or financial responsibilities?

I know this story well.

I have been down that road both on my own and with countless clients who felt they had sold their dreams to pay rent.

I also have the answer. The way out.

Stuck and frustrated

Feeling stuck and frustrated can be paralyzing. It can stop you from, not only moving forward, but from doing anything at all.

Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. The first thing is knowing that your frustration is only a feeling; a feeling prolonged and bolstered by lack of action, a misdirected mindset and no one to help you. But it is only a feeling, a thought—not your reality.

    The hardest part is thinking that the problem is YOU—that you’re not smart enough, don’t have the talent or time or are not working hard enough. Know that you are not alone and are not special in this feeling. Even the ‘successful’ get stuck, have set backs and need help. But they don’t let their frustration take control or let their fear stop their forward momentum. 

  2. Understand that you are not actually stuck, you are searching. There’s a big difference. You’re looking for an answer, a way out and haven’t found it… YET! Even in reading THIS, you are searching. Keep going! Keep searching, keep studying, keep moving.

  3. The answer is action. Consistent, bold and measurable action. Action always wins. Fortune favors the bold, so let’s be bold and audacious. Let’s ask for the dream we want and not settle for less. Ask for help. Create a schedule to act on with points to deliver on. Let’s move!

What happens if we feel these things…but we do nothing?

No action = no movement.

What I have seen from those who don’t take bold (or any) actions is they wake up in the same damn spot, year after year.

Frustration begets more frustration and we let inaction win. Instead of bragging about our accomplishments we wallow in our circumstances and complain—further spreading our pain. We become sedentary professionals watching others win while we continually take a seat on the sidelines.

It’s hard to see the steps when you’re frustrated. The distance between you and your dream can seem too far, maybe even impossible.

But change is never impossible, just hard to do alone.

But when you do flip that switch…

…and decide that your dreams are worth your efforts, then the fireworks begin. New interest and drive is gained in the process. Work is no longer ‘work’ but building a future.

After you take the first step, the rest are revealed and your dream becomes more real everyday.

Your energy and vibe is raised, others see it in you and come to your aid. You are no longer alone.

Where the fire is lit.

This is what happens at Camp Victore. And it’s happening next month.

I’ve worked with so many talented folks who come frustrated and stuck, and leave different—changed and happy and full of action

Like a bonfire flicked ON.



Born Creative


“I’m just not creative.”